Too stubborn and too stupid

So in the face of the rain of rejections I received last week I am starting the outline for my new novel Command & Control. Yep, that’s me too stupid and too stubborn to give up.

C&C is another Seth Jackson novel, and last night as I lay in bed waiting for Mr. Sandman to send me a dream my mind gnawed at the plot and how the first third of the book is going to work. (The last third is what I know best right now.) Suddenly the particle of inspiration smashed through the creative centers of my noodle and I had a great idea.

Of course it was late, I was already in bed and nearly asleep. Other nights I might have leapt out of bed and rushed to my computer to note the idea, but not last night, not after the cold I have been fighting. I worked the solution over in my minds, saw how it created a very nicely character arc that the story had been lacking, and then went to sleep.

Because I spent so much time thinking about it before I went to sleep. I did not forget it Yup, it still looked good today. The outlining has begun.

Now your moment of musical horror



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