Feeling good though I am sick

I must have gotten a bit fo the con crud last weekend at World Fantasy 2011 because this week has been coughs and sore throats. However that is not going to get me down because one of the literary agents I would most like have represent my work responded Friday with a  request for a partial. (What that means is after I sent him a letter explaining/pitching the novel Love and Loyalty he requested to see a sample of the novel.) Hopefully he likes the sample well enough to request a full. (The complete manuscript)

I mailed the partial off to him this morning.


here’s to crossed fingers and sincere prayers.


One thought on “Feeling good though I am sick

  1. Missy

    There’s a reason Wil Wheaton respectfully declines to hugs and shake hands at Cons. I wonder if we might not all be better off adopting the Japanese tradition of bowing at such events? I know we Westerners don’t get it right, but it would be better than half of fandom getting sick after these events. (Con crud is becoming legendary. Apparently, what happens at World Con DOES NOT stay at World Con.)

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