This is your official ‘I told you so’

Sarah Palin announces she will not run for President. 

All those weak-kneeded sister who quaked and quivered at the though of President Palin can calm the frak down. This woman is in her happy spot of celebrity and money, she’s not budging from it.

It looks to me like there are no more Great Right Hopes left to save the Republican Party from itself. I suspect the base will hold there nose next November and vote for Romney, just like they did for the hated McCain.



6 thoughts on “This is your official ‘I told you so’

  1. Bob Evans Post author

    If BDS had been restricted just those who believed in lunatic conspiracy theories I’d agree with you, but it wasn’t. You your self just accused Sullivan of BDS and he does subscribe to any of those theories about stolen elections, inside jobs for 9-11, etc. (we’re talking Bush here not Palin.) Hell man even conservatives like Peggy Noonan gets the BDS thrown at them when they go off the reservation. So what far out belief got Sullivan branded with BDS by you?

  2. Brad

    ODS? Of course. Certainly the birth certificate thing qualifies.

    But that kind of ODS mania is trivial compared to such BDS lunacy as the 9-11 inside job theories, stolen election conspiracy theories, or my favorite — the faked Texas ANG documents. Is there any example of a conservative counterpart to Dan Rather? Someone who from a lofty position of respect and authority self-destructed in pursuit of a dumb conspiracy theory?

  3. Bob Evans Post author

    He’s one of the weak-knee sisters that’s been in a panic over possible President Palin. So if liberals can have BDS, can conservative have ODS, or does pathology only run one direction?

  4. Bob Evans Post author

    No possibility at all that her choice was based upon a cold calculation of what is most likely to advance her policy preferences for the nation?
    Not in my opinion. I’ve been consistent on this blog in my opinion as to what motivates Sarah Palin. Money and celebrity, if that makes me ‘crazed’ well you have a very low
    threshold for crazed.
    As to the conservative vote within the Republican Primary, its acting a lot like Hamlet right now, indecisive and fickle. Do note that Perry is currently losing in the polls to Cain a man with less political experience than Obama had when he ran for President.
    President Perry? Those are eggs you are counting not chickens. The most likely Republican President in 2013 is Romney.

  5. Brad

    I just clicked over to read what Andrew Sullivan said about Palin bowing out.

    Damn! A.S. really does foam at the mouth when it comes to Palin. I used to have respect for A.S. But that was before his trip down the path of BDS that has finally left him in a very strange and dark place. Even The Atlantic Magazine couldn’t put up with him anymore.

  6. Brad

    Since Perry was already running I was glad that Palin decided not to. If she runs now, it would only split the conservative vote thereby increasing the chance that RINO Romney would slip through the cracks and win the nomination. Seeing as Perry was a late entry to the race, I don’t begrudge Palin her choice.

    “This woman is in her happy spot of celebrity and money, she’s not budging from it.” No that’s not a negative statement about Palin’s character at all, is it? Isn’t it funny how Palin choosing NOT to run for president is slammed as a choice that is selfish!

    So if Palin doesn’t run for President, it’s because she is a money grubbing narcissist? No possibility at all that her choice was based upon a cold calculation of what is most likely to advance her policy preferences for the nation? Palin can’t get a break from her crazed critics no matter what choice she makes.

    With Palin out, it now boils down to a race between Romney and Perry for the nomination.

    Can you say President Perry?

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