Drive-In theaters

A few weeks ago while surfing around local internet sites I discovered that San Diego has two still operating Drive-In theaters. I seriously had though all of those had died away in the era of THX Dolby sound, and crisp laser projections.

This lead me on a brief internet search about the state of Drive-in theaters. Surprisingly they have a devoted following who enjoy the low prices (in San Diego you can get a double feature of first run films for $8), family friendly atmosphere, and privacy of the private viewing from your own car. (No annoying people right next to talking during the film . I once dated a girl who talked through an entire film, never went out with her again.)

Then our of the blue light lightening on a clear day this memory popped up into my mind. As a child I often went with my older brothers to a drive-in movie on the weekend. I suddenly, and vividly, recalled the popcorn being popped in our kitchen, salted, buttered and put into a large brown paper bag. (they kind groceries came in before everyone went over to totes or plastic.) Teh bag then being stapled closed to kept it warm and fresh until the movie started.

I’m very tempted to relive this memeory. Pop the corn, bag it and go to a local drive-in. I’d be the adult and I’d be driving, but some part of me wants that experience one more time.


2 thoughts on “Drive-In theaters

  1. Missy

    You should do it!! San Diego has the weather for it. (Florida doesn’t, but I’ve been a few times anyway.)

  2. Joyce

    For a while, before you or Ruth were born, Dad would take us to the drive in every Sat evening. I remember waiting for the train to pass so we could get there. One Sat, he had misunderstood the double feature bill. I remember it was a Martin and Lewis film followed by “Man with the Golden Arm” Sinatra. As soon as Dad realized what that was about, we left.

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