Daily Archives: December 13, 2010

Sunday Night Movie: The Kentucky Fried Movie

I was not in the mood for anything heavy, serious, or that require more brain power than say a epileptic mouse. After scanning my collection I settling on the sketch comedy movie, The Kentucky Fried Movie, for my sunday night feature.

If you are familiar with Airplane! then you know something of the kind of humor to expect from The Kentucky Fried Movie. It was written by the director/writers of Airplane! and directed by John Landis.

The film is a collection of sketches and comedy bits. Most are presented in a coming attractions format except for the odd TV spot and of course their feature presentation: A Fist Full Of Yen.

This is not a movie for the kiddies. There is rampant nudity and language, but hell there’s nothing wrong with either of those thing in my book.

I suspect that much of the humor will be dated and inaccessible to viewers not young enough to remember the seventies. The PSA, the films parodied, and the frequent refrain ‘Film at 11’ are pretty much meaningless now. That said I think that there is enough humor that it would still be entertaining just not as fulfilling as to say someone of my age bracket.
