Daily Archives: October 12, 2010

To Quote Instapundit ‘Faster, Please’

Google has announced that for months that they have been testing driverless cars on the streets and freeways of California. I for one am happy at the prospect of driverless cars. No, they will not be perfect, but I have ridden with and been hit by too many humans to know what sort of drivers most of them are!

There are legal hurdles to clear, but I suspect big business will push for this innovation when it become practical. Insurance companies will love them. It will give them a reason to jack up your rates if you insist on driving yourself.

Perfected this will save lives, time, and money.


Proof Of Principle Has been re-submitted.

The revision edits on my horror short story Proof Of Principle have been completed and the story has been re-submitted to a pro-market. I got a very encouraging rejection from this market suggesting that that the prose could be tightened and it would take 500-1000 words out of the story.

I spent two weeks reading it aloud and editing based on that and in the end removed 750 words. My sweetie-wife today did a proofreading pass, caught a couple of errors which I corrected before submission.

Now the waiting. This could be my first nation pro-market sale….
