Tag Archives: Religion

Dangerous Musings

First off let me state that I am not a Christian nor am I by far an expert in Christian Theology. I know what I heaver learned I Sunday School, and a lifetime of fascination with humanity and its religion in general. However, snark aside, I don’t see where my reasoning if wrong.
In God’s glorious and perfection heaven, this is no evil and nothing can be wrong. For those who are saved, and therefore absolved of their earthly sins, heaven is a timeless infinity in the presence of your loved one, provided that they were also saved, and God’s eternal, merciful, and loving spirit,
Love is God’s greatest gift, and it is not only expected but required that we love one another, but the love of spouse is an elevated love, it is a love created by the special bonds that ties you to another person for life. It is expressed by a commitment to that person, and that person alone, forsaking all others. In the traditional Christian view, marriage is a lifetime vow, broken only by death.
Death does however break it, and those who have tragically lost their spouse are not excluded from the matrimonial love, but are allowed to marry again, recommitting their vows ‘until death do them part.’ The dangers of childbirth, no greatly reduced by modern medicine and clean hands, robbed many a family of their mother and many a man of his wife, creating the need for the second wife, the step-mother.
In heaven you are reunited with your loved who preceded you into God’s graces. That means you must be reunited with your previous spouses, whom you did love unto death, and you will be joined by the spouses you left behind when you passed away. In heaven many will live forever in perfect harmonious polyamarous relationships. What is good in heaven cannot be evil on earth. Evil and wrongness have no place in God’s grace, therefore poly relationships built upon love and respect can only mirror God’s will for the afterlife of the just and cannot be considered immoral , unnatural, or sinful, but only a proper expression of his divine plan on earth as it is in heaven.
For the record I am not poly either, but the logic still seems watertight to me.


Quick Impressions from the vice-presidential debate

I think that this was the first time I have watched, front to back, an entire vice-presidential debate. This has proved to be a volatile election and in this environment the side-show has the possibility of effecting the center ring action.

My quick impression is that Biden won the debate, he kept Ryan on the defensive most of the night, though this was by no means a blow-out like the first presidential debate. It was also close enough that partisan from either side will claim  victory.

One – of many- exchanges that caught my attention was Ryan on abortion. I am pro-choice, I do not agree with the concept that conception is the point at which we should be legally bound to recognize full human rights. Ryan’s answer though went beyond simply the mine field of abortion and into the nature of religious thought and its place in government. It goes too far into mixing the two.

RYAN: I don’t see how a person can separate their public life from their private life or from their faith. Our faith informs us in everything we do. My faith informs me about how to take care of the vulnerable, of how to make sure that people have a chance in life.



A General catch up post

Sorry my blogging has been slight of late. The principal culprit has been the fact that my eyes are telling me it is time for a new set of glasses. Each year since I have turned 40, my eyes fade a little and I have to get new specs. This year appears to be no different. I have always been fairly susceptible to eye strain headaches and so after a full day working at the computer, my eyes are hurting and I often have a headache. This has kept me away from my computer at home and killed by writing output. I think it will likely be three weeks before I am back to normal with a new set of lens in an old frame.

 Thanks to having a NOOK I can continue to read for pleasure by simply bumping up the font size, so my biblical reading has continued. I have now made it through Samuel 1 and I have just started Samuel 2, though it confuses me how any can take the text as inerrant. This is not mean as a slight or insult, but the simple contradictions would be tough for me to retcon away.  I mean did Saul kill himself after his armor-bearer refused to, or did someone else kill him at his request only to later be executed by David for slaying a King? It really can’t be both.

I have sent my first story to a major magazine that doesn’t publish SF or fantasy or horror. My espionage thriller ‘The Escape’ has been sent to Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. That puts me as having 4 short stories out of consideration and 1 novel. Tomorrow that will rise to 5 short stories as ‘Lady Jane’ will be sent to Asimov’s SF Magazine. Mayeb I can win by sheer volume!
