Well, That Was a Day


Yesterday, April 9th, was not the best day of my life nor was it was worst, but it was certainly more painful that I had anticipated.

With a scheduled dental appointment to get a crown, the final step in the dental implant replacing one of my molars, I had taken the day off. The procedure I expected would be fairly pain free and I could use some of the time off to see The First Omen at a matinee screening.

Sadly, I awoke with a headache. Well, that has happened before and they usually dissipate on their own. Without much concern I went to my early morning dental procedure and listened to podcast while the doctor and her assistant took care of my troublesome lack of a molar.

The headache grew worse. Enough for the doctor to notice and inquire about it. I made it home and realized that this headache was inf act a migraine.

It had been months since I had one and needed to take my prescription. Luckily, I still had several tablets and doses myself. Unluckily the migraine had grown so large and so intense that it would not be easily dislodge from my skull.

I did not make it out to the movies. Instead, I stayed home, trie3d to distract myself with Call of Duty and YouTube videos as I waited for the medicine to achieve its victory over my agony.

Late afternoon, just before my sweetie-wife return home the pain finally began to ebb and while the evening wasn’t totally back to normal, I was at least exiting the dark migraine forest.
