Monthly Archives: March 2016

Post Convention Update

Well, Condor XXIII went very well. Despite a nasty and persistent cough I made it through all my panels. I am happy with how they all turned out and there were loads of good discussions.

Now a few days out the cough has nearly disappeared, just in time as yesterday I had a dentist’s appointment. Missing a few molars I need bridges and we have now started that work. I am currently wearing my first temp bridge and my mouth is getting used to the new architecture.

Work proceeds on the outline for my new novel. The outline alone is now more than 5600 words long. In addition to that I am thinking about trying to knock out a few short stories.

I went in my library of short I had written about 2002 and shocked myself with just how far my prose has come. Man, I was in love with the past progressive tense. Many critiques will call that passive voice, but technically it is not, though both weaken your prose and its impact.


Anyone know anything about StokerCon?
