Monthly Archives: April 2012

Nook tablet vs. Apple iPad

I purchased a couple of years ago an ebook reader, the EZReader Pro. It worked fine, but I discoverfd I adopted too soon and the device while perfectly functional doesn’t meet all the needs I have for a good portable reader.
I know that one day I want to get myself a tablet, the question is which one? Continue reading


Getting back into the groove

So now that injuries, illness, and contests have been taken care of, at least for a little while, I can get back to the writing schedule I was trying to maintain.

Today I managed to pull out the short story “A Question Of Justice,” and resume work. This is the mystery story and represents a departure for me. I have never written a mystery and certainly never one that lacked all the fantastic elements found in SF, Horror, and Fantasy. (Though I suppose an argument could be made that ghost stories are often mysteries, with the reader and protagonist trying to unravel the reason for the haunting. My story “The House Of Bad Blood,” falls into that vein, but I would still maintain I have not written a proper mystery before.)

While I did not get much written today at lunch – when I am working on short subjects – I did get the story moving again. (Sadly I was unable to resist the sirens of the internet.)

Tonight I will get back to work on “Command and Control,” my new Seth Jackson novel. If that goes well tonight then I shall be happy to be back in the saddle.


I’ve also had a setting, more properly a concept, floating around in my head for a new SF novel. It would concern a nebula as seen from Earth, but from a vantage point much closer the nebula vanishes and instead there is a planetary system with inner rocky planet and out gas giants. Of course a ship is sent to study this stranger system up close.


Learning to walk

Normally that would be a metaphor, but in my case it is the precise truth. I am learning to walk again.

Luckily it is not from a serious injury of disease, but rather it seems I never walked properly at all. My right foot turns out and that, apparently, has been the source of my knee issues. So I am trying to retrain my giant gait and all my stances so that my foot point forward and not out.


My knees feels better, but it is a long process learning a new habit.
