Monthly Archives: June 2011


Core edits on Love & Loyalty are done!

Now I have to assemble the chapters and scenes in their new sequence, along with the insert scenes, editing them as I do so, and I will have a copy for my sweetie-wife to proofread.


Oh I am so excited….




Headache Log

about 11:30 am, while on a bad phone connection with a foreign language person started getting a sharp headache. Took a single dose of treximet.

Headache log


4:15 pm started getting a headache, took 1 dose of treximet, headache relieved but felt chills and slight dizziness.


Lite Blogging

I expect my blogging to be lite for a while. Being so close to the end of a project is a special time and time when that project begins to consume everything in my poor little head.

So for next 2-3 weeks I expect most of my energies will be taken up with Love & Loyalty, after that a bit of decompression with a Tim Powers Novel.




Good Day/ Bad Day

Well, I am home alone because my cold has returned.  I though I had completely lost this bug, but Thursday night I started getting congested again, yesterday I felt bad and today I just want to stay home and do nothing strenuous.

That is a shame because a friend is throwing a party and I really wanted to go. However every time I bend over I get dizzy and frankly it is a boorish guest who brings pathogens.

On the plus side I did finish a chapter of edits today. Normally I do not do writing work on the weekend, using these two days to recharge my spirits, but as I near the end of project it starts taking over.

I have now edited 323 or 404 pages from Love & Loylaty, then I will have another 40-60 from the inserts to edit and compile into their proper places. The End is in sight.
