Osama bin Laden, DEAD

This is truly good news. Osama bin Laden, evil fuck, killed by American Special Forces, his body taken by those forces and now in our possession.


I wish it had happened sooner, but I am very happy it happened. There are few human beings that can cause me to cheer at their demise, but this fucker was one of them.

There are those who will ask does this affect the 2012 political season; those questions are for another day. Put donw your R’s and Put down your D’s for one flippin’ moment and just enjoy the fact this evil evil man not only is dead, but had his death handed to him by our best and our brightest.




One thought on “Osama bin Laden, DEAD

  1. Missy

    I hesitate to celebrate too much as I am expecting reprisals from his equally evil henchmen. Having said that, may his unlamented soul rot in the Hell it so richly deserves and may he discover that the promise of virgins WAS misinterpreted and it Should have read “Virginians” and that said Virginians enjoy an eternity of making him suffer – “humiliations galore!!”

    My friend who should have been under the twin towers when they collapsed (she overslept) is planning a party. If I can get there, I just might go!

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