A General Update

So my sweetie-wife has headed out to her where her mother lived to wrap up affairs there and I am on my own for about the next week. The condo seems much larger and more empty with her here.

At work they have offered more overtime as we are behind on our paperwork. (The bad economy has hammered people hard and that makes them turn to us in greater numbers.) Without anyone to rush home to I am doing the overtime at work. I did two hours tonight and I am likely to do two more tomorrow night.

At home tonight I just watched TV and made my own dinner.

The only bright spot today was that I scored ticket for the next taping of the TV show “The Big Bang Theory.” I’m not much for sit-coms, but I like this one. Of course being a geek really helps and that the fact that the shows isn’t mocking of geeks, but rather it really seems to get geeks and geek culture. I scored a few tickets for friends and one for my sweetie-wife, though she is unlikely to attend, but if she changes her mind I am ready. I am looking forward to next month when we go to LA and watch the show live.


2 thoughts on “A General Update

  1. missyfl

    I’ll go!! My hubby, too!! We LOVE that show! That show gets us! (I AM a geek! I have genuuine Geek-cred and evertything!)

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